Friday, September 25, 2009

Side Chick Syndrome


Many women talk about wanting a good man, or a real man. In actuality, they don’t. That’s what her mouth says, but her actions (mind; because it controls your actions) show differently. Some of them are overly promiscuous with no self esteem, confidence, or self-strength. Now you tell me: what man wants that shit? Then, when that woman gets lucky and stumbles upon a good man, or a real man, they have sex with him the first chance they get. My mom always told the women that I brought home, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” That makes perfect sense too. Very rarely will a man actually be in a committed relationship with a woman that he slept with after knowing her for a short period of time. What makes a woman so quick to give up the goods to a man of any caliber; good, bad, or whatever? I think that some women think that all men love sex. We do, but damn, make it a challenge to achieve. Why do you think we play madden on the “All-Madden” level? It makes the game interesting and fun. Easy is so boring, and if we get it quickly, we men will only call you when we need you; making you the side chick. Ladies, be aware of the symptoms of Side Chick Syndrome, or SDS. If you don’t know the symptoms, here is a list of a few:

· Promiscuousness

· Low self esteem

· The tendency to be “the gullible chick”

· Nonchalant attitude about life and yourself

· The ability to make yourself available after 11pm of any day of the week

· The urge to be with a man who, you know, has a woman (He is NOT going to leave his woman for you.)

· The tendency to become agitated with this blog (that includes thinking that I’m bogus, knowing that this is completely true.)

· Thinking that this message is a joke

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, stop everything that you are doing immediately, find a mirror, look in it, and stare at yourself until you love yourself and realize how beautiful you are. All women are beautiful. God couldn’t have put anything more precious on this earth. Some of you are just distraught about life and have experienced tough times through it. I understand, however, I cannot and will not respect your actions if you suffer from SCS. IT IS CURABLE!


Chuck said...

Lil bro you just hit them with the truth and you know what they say, "the truth hurts"

Anonymous said...

It's true what you say, the women that you speak of does indeed lack self-esteem and self-worth; however this issue is much bigger than women giving it up so easy because she thinks "a men loves sex". This issue speaks more to the state of our community. The reason why these women lack such self confidence is because a lot of our women are growing up without that sturdy male figure in her life. Never having seen what a woman is supposed to be treated like or having a male figure give you the low down on the male speices surely plays a huge role in this situation. However, every fatherless girl DOES NOT carry herself in this manner and I know plenty of woman who's fathers have been there from day uno and act like they don't have any damn sense!!! We as a community need to do better by our woman. How about guys don't be so willing to take it as easy as she's willing to give it up?! You see this sister playing herself...why let her?! Now, trust I know that a man is gonna take it if you're giving it but is that really cool? This taking and giving so easily and freely is what is contributing to AIDS/HIV rate in OUR community! So the next time a little hot ass is trying to give it...step back and say no thanks. To those women who are giving it up so damn quick and easy like and than thinking somebody is gonna want to wife them...really need to figure out a way to find their self worth. One thing that I have learned through out the years that if you act like you're nothing that's exactly what you're gonna be treated like!! And that's my piece!

Nedra its my time williams said...

i love this! hope you dnt mind, but ima share ur thoughts. chicks need to hear that shit.

Tasha said...

Gotta love the truth! But you know I gotta give it to you as bluntly as you put it out...Who's spreading this SCS? A good man? You said women say they want a good man but they don't appreciate one when they have one? What's a good man? What are their symptoms that we should look for? Ppl always say that the nice guys finish last but in my opinion Smart guys finish first. I mean there are some really good guys out there but they are just boring as hell. I mean who wants to sit around all day play chess and watch golf? What woman wants to seduce their man and he cums in his pants just by kissing. What woman would be satisfied being with a man who's penis is so small that when he uses the bathroom he pisses on his own testicles? But he is a good dude! lol...okay but seriously this is a good blog but the truth of the matter is that the chicks with SCS always get the dudes because they are putting out what men want convenient SEX with no ties, no nagging, no quality time. Men are most irritated with the after sex syndromes: cuddling, talking, attitude when men ask the regretful "how was it" question etc...With SCS they don't have to worry about the extra stress because they are not obligated...Magic statement>>> NOT ALL MEN!! There are some really good dudes out there but I hadn't ran across any because my tolerance level is extremely low and because they talk the game that they think its awesome that they have to chase the cat, but every chance they get they're humping my leg like dog thinking they're gonna turn me on and change my mind. Ugh! Anywho when you find the cure for the SCS let me know, maybe I'll reconsider marriage :-)