Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Unseasoned Dinner

After having a thorough talk with a close friend of mine, I found myself giving advice that I, as well, may need to take. Our conversation evolved from struggling, as we are now, to religion. Of course, the primary objective that was rooted into my mind was religion. I am no saint, but I am saved. I know, without a shadow of doubt in my mind, that God sent his only begotten son to die for all of our sins, and through Him I am saved. However, I’m still a sinner and I am no better than a person on death row for serial murders. I am striving to be more like Christ, although my efforts are not as aggressive as they should be. I’m faithful that God will and is working with me and molding me into the man that I am to be. I am faithful. I’m filled with faith. Through my faith, I am pleasing God.

During the conversation with my friend, I realized that this person is, ironically, the same person who I was a few months ago. Due to several mishaps and a series of trials, I found myself growing weary of all of the tribulations that I had encountered. I prayed vigorously every single day to be delivered from all of the anguish that was continuously oppressing me. I was so anxious to get away from all of the troubles that I reverted to attempting to handle them on my own. My faith began to dwindle and every inkling of struggles penetrated straight into my heart. I became angry and found myself blaming God for not holding up his end of the bargain. I failed to realize that my faulty faith was the finger that pulled the trigger to the pistol loaded with rounds of heartache and woes that was aimed directly at my heart. No matter how much I prayed, it seemed like I wasn’t getting any response from God. I prayed lacking faith. My prayers were like unseasoned food. I wouldn’t want feast on tasteless meat, so why would God want to feast on tasteless and unfaithful prayers. Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” I had known that before, yet my faith faltered and I was forced to discover that His word is real.

I used this same story to explain to my friend that I have been in the situation that the person is in. I’ve probably been in worse. Through speaking with my friend I noticed that this person has been praying in the same manner as I was. I know that still have some issues of my own, and the advice I gave to my friend, I took heed myself. We’ll fast for 7 days and show our Father that we are faithfully strong in Him. I won’t go into details about what we are fasting, but during the fast we will pray faithfully and know, whole-heartedly, that God will bring us to our break-through.

Stay tuned for the testimony of our works and how good God is!