Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Letter To My Father


Dear Father, My Savior,

So many times, you’ve called and reached out to me, and I turned away from you. So many times, I have tried to conquer this troublesome life on my own. I let my foolish pride separate us and I often turned to the world for comfort. When I was down and out I called out to you lacking faith. When you didn’t respond in an instance, I found myself being frustrated with you, and I was careless of my own faults. Though, you always responded when I called. You always answered my prayers. Forgive me. I tried to carry my own burdens and rid myself of them only to find that the load was getting heavier and heavier. The sad thing about it all is that I know who you are, and I know that you are capable of all things! I continuously shunned away from you and I place blame on you when I felt neglected. The truth of the matter is that you were always there. You said that you would never leave or forsake me, and you never left me; I just never sought you presence. Instead, I turned to man to find love and comfort. I deliberately and consistently rejected you and became agitated with you when I was the only one hindering my blessings. Father, I apologize, with all my heart, for my ignorance. I apologize for my lack of faith. I apologize for being the epitome if my own lonesomeness and blaming you.
I’m grateful, Father. Through all of the negative actions that I displayed, you stayed right there with me. Just as I thought that I was about to drown in my own sorrows and misery, you reached out to me once again. Only this time, I reached out to you as well, and you rescued me from drowning in a sea of heartache and pain. I don’t deserve it. I’m not worthy of the blessings that you bestow upon me, but you bless me anyway. You give and give and give to me, and selfishly, I take. I’ve realized that the time has come for me to accept responsibility and seek what it is that you will have me to do. I want to give back you, Father, because you love me, and you show me that you do every day in the simplest ways. I appreciate your goodness immensely. The pain, tears of sadness, worry, stress, and the many bottles of alcohol that I submerged them in are all yours to bear. It is time that I hone to the man in you that I am supposed to be. I give you me to shape and mold so that I am able to fully commit to and do your will. I give to you my mind so that I am constantly focused on you to carry out your prophecy for me. Most of all, Lord, I give you my heart for you to do as you please. Have your way with me, Lord. Fill me up and use me to carry out your will.
Thank you, Lord, for being so merciful and patient with a knucklehead like myself and for allowing me to come back to you every time that I wandered astray. Thank you for godly people and the angels in the image of man that you used to lead me back to you and family who love me and are the epitome what I’ve been searching for in all the wrong places. Thank you for unspeakable joy and thank you for keeping me near. For the salvation that you have rendered unto me, I thank you, and I thank you for you.

Whole-heartedly, Your Son,
Lorenzo Wesley, Jr.